Our Work
Click on each image below to see photos, marketing materials and program descriptions.
We are proud that our body of work has been included in the Jacob Rader Marcus American Jewish Archives collection, a sample of which can be seen below.
Abslout Chanukah Party
Each year, Access for Jewish Young Professionals hosted a Hanukkah party to leverage the fun and festive time of year to focus on a Jewish holiday. This event featured a Vodka and Latka bar, music and more.
Star Wars HANukkah
This is another example of an annual Access Hanukkah party for Jewish young professionals. This Star Wars-themed event took place prior to the release of a new episode in the movie franchise and featured theme-related characters, food, games and more.
Hamentaschen Hip Hop
This Purim carnival was a hip-hop twist on the traditional Purim carnival, featuring a live “kiddie concert” as well as games, prizes, photo booth, hamentaschen and more. It was aimed at unaffiliated families and others who were looking for an alternative to a congregational Purim celebration.
Dream Job-a-Rama
This hands-on job fair was a fun and engaging chance for kids to learn about the numerous career opportunities available to them in the future and featured professionals and workers representing more than 45 jobs.
Chai Sixty5
This event for Jewish young professionals transformed a large outdoor sand volleyball facility into a Tel-Aviv beach to celebrate Israel’s 65th birthday and featured live camel rides, a hookah tent, an Israeli buffet, music and more.
When Slavery Hits Home
This program and marketing campaign was developed to showcase an upcoming community exhibition and conversation exploring slavery through a Jewish lens.
WTF Pop up Shabbat
A Jewish young professional Shabbat dinner event held at a surprise pop-up location.
All Dressed Up (YPs)
This program and marketing campaign was developed to provide a way for Jewish young professionals to come in and out of Jewish life in whatever way was most comfortable for them, giving them the opportunity to explore fun and meaningful ways to engage with one another and the Jewish community at large.
All Dressed Up (Families)
This program and marketing campaign was developed for Temple Sholom, a congregation in Cincinnati, Ohio, to help attract unaffiliated families to their High Holiday services. Several events were offered that featured hands-on activities geared for children and their parents.
JCC Fresh
This program and marketing campaign was created for the Mayerson JCC in Cincinnati, Ohio to take their former Rosh Hashanah programming to the next level. The event, a full-blown famers’ market, which took place in their JCC’s parking lot, featured seasonal produce, challah, honey and other related products perfect for the High Holidays.
Rockwern Academy
This campaign, created for Cincinnati’s Community Day School, targeted families with preschool children, many of whom were going to school for the first time. The message centered on parents’ need for peace of mind and showcased how Jewish values play an important role in the lives of the school’s students.
This annual party aimed at Jewish Young professionals and college students returning home on winter break, took place on Christmas Eve and offered an opportunity for socializing, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.
Sweet Treat Family Fun Fest
While not the healthiest event ever, kids and grownups alike couldn’t resist the super, sugar-filled festivities that featured a giant “candy” bar, make your own ice cream sundaes and lots of sweet activities aimed at helping families usher in the Jewish New Year.
Superhero Hanukkah
This Hanukkah event for families was a chance for kids and adults to channel their inner superhero while enjoying an afternoon of holiday related activities and of course, potato latkas.