WTF Pop up Shabbat

An invitation like this one is what we at Be Bold Creative call, “Made Ya Look Marketing”. Because WTF stands for something profane, we were pretty sure our audience wouldn’t be able to resist opening it. And we were right! Of course, when they looked inside, it simply said “Welcome to Friday” which made for a playful and irreverent punchline — a perfect recipe for successfully attracting about 250 weakly connected Jewish young professionals (YPs) to a Shabbat dinner event! For the cover, we chose a bold font that seems to be breaking out of the boundaries to keep the focus on just the three letters: WTF. And because the event was a “Pop Up” Shabbat, we didn’t want to reveal the location, hence the blurred cityscape on the interior to keep things mysterious!


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When Slavery Hits Home


All Dressed Up (YPs)